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The target audience of the summer school is PhD students who are not in their first year of studies, and post-docs within three years of obtaining their PhD. To apply please send your CV including country of origin, country of work, gender, presentations at scientific meetings and list of publications as a PDF document to the following e-mail address, before 31st of January:




The registration fee is 675 euros. It includes the participation in all the sessions, coffee breaks, accommodation, breakfast and dinner between the 21 st and 27h of May.


If you  are a member of a society affiliated with FEBS you are eligible for support via a YTF grant that will cover your registration and expenses up to 800 euros. If you wish to apply for this support please submit a letter addressed to the course organizers outlining how your current research interests match the mission of FEBS, and proof that you are a member of a society affiliated with FEBS, together with your application.


The organizers will try to provide financial support to other disadvantaged participants.

Applications wishing to apply for this financial support should provide a brief rational for their request in the e-mail message containing their application.


Requests for information should be submitted to

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